Robotic Solutions

We help companies fully exploit the potential of robotic automation to improve their productivity, product quality and market competitiveness with industry 4.0 solutions.

We connect Innovation and Efficiency

Smart Solutions for Industry, Logistics, Agritech and Energy

Siamo esperti in robotica collaborativa pronti a offrire soluzioni chiavi in mano e a creare soluzioni su misura per le aziende italiane che desiderano crescere e aumentare la loro competitività

In the heart of the digital age, where industry evolves rapidly and technology merges with production, TOD System stands out as a leader in the integration of collaborative robotic solutions (cobots) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). We are proud to introduce you to our company, our values and the innovation we bring to the world of industry.

Who we are

Siamo esperti in robotica collaborativa pronti a offrire soluzioni chiavi in mano e a creare soluzioni su misura per le aziende italiane che desiderano crescere e aumentare la loro competitività.

In the heart of the digital age, where industry evolves rapidly and technology merges with production, TOD System stands out as a leader in the integration of collaborative robotic solutions (cobots) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). We are proud to introduce you to our company, our values and the innovation we bring to the world of industry.


Collaborative Robotics Island

The TR1 machine represents the ideal solution for process automation, both in small and medium-sized contexts and in larger scenarios.



With its quick commissioning and intuitive control system, the TR1 flexible robotic island offers easy access to automation. Whether for assembly, pick-and-place or other use cases, the machine is ready to use thanks to its modularity. It is possible to choose from a wide range of accessories to create a customized package according to the specific needs of the case.

Software solutions for industry 4.0

TOD Connect

Industrial IoT Integration: Revolutionizing the Future of Manufacturing

TOD Edge

Edge Server and IIoT: Transforming Industry Through the Power of Proximity


MES and IIoT: The Perfect Synthesis for Intelligent Production that is always under control

Integrated technical services to guarantee reliability over time and operational safety


Our team supports you in the realization of your project, from the verification and recognition of the collaborative and non-collaborative application, to team training and technical assistance.


Our consultancy accompanies company management at all levels: from support in defining development strategies, to the implementation, including operational, of new management systems.


We work to develop skills in your company, and we work with the main inter-professional funds to plan, coordinate and manage the bureaucratic and operational procedures of the actions.


Collaborative robotic programming is an approach to robotics that allows robots to work side-by-side with humans in shared environments, without the need for physical or safety barriers.


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