What is a warehouse 4.0 and the advantages

For manufacturing and commercial companies intending to plan a growth strategy on their reference market, no aspect should be left to chance.

The optimization of production processes is an essential element in this path and, among the fundamental steps, there is certainly the ability to review your logistics processes.
The paradigm to remain faithful in this direction is that of logistics 4.0, through which it will be possible to make your warehouse, the hub of activity for companies in the sector, more efficient and productive.

Only through new generation technological solutions, capable of optimizing and automating overall functioning, will the transition to a warehouse 4.0

What is a warehouse 4.0 and what are its advantages.

Often overlooked by businesses, a optimal functioning of the warehouse instead, it cannot help but bring significant advantages for the entire company operation.

It is precisely the warehouse, a place where goods are stored and preserved for more or less long periods, that has a responsibility fundamental role in the logistics 4.0 paradigm, so much so that today there is widespread talk of a digital transition that will transform it into warehouse 4.0.

Effective and efficient warehouse logistics can in fact allow saving time and money, as well as guaranteeing speed of deliveries and provide a higher level of customer service the final.

These are the reasons behind which warehouses have been experiencing a real crisis for some years, and with increasing frequency Revolution.

A modern one warehouse 4.0 today uses self-driving robotic solutions to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of operations picking & place, as well as algorithms artificial intelligence able to improve the accuracy of demand forecasting, as well as the correct sizing and positioning of stocks in the various nodes of the supply chain.

Reduction of space and costs, but above all speeding up of operations and improvement of the level of control and safety in the production cycle, are the fundamental trends of the transition to warehouses 4.0.

The increase in distribution channels and the variety of products must also be taken into consideration, which call companies to greater specialization of solutions for the storage and movement of goods in warehouses.

What follows from the ensemble of these factors is obviously the increasingly pressing need to continuously monitor warehouse operations and incoming and outgoing flows. All actions aimed at perfecting warehouse management through choices directed by precise work data analysis

Warehouse 4.0 and reduction of inefficiencies.

It is thesystems integration to play a crucial role within a 4.0 warehouse because it intervenes on two key aspects of logistics management: handling costs and execution precision.

The automated production lines of the most classic "analog" systems have, in fact, from these points of view, an almost physiological level of criticality.
Delays, non-compliance and errors are in fact more frequent and attributable to a reduced vision of logistics processes.

This means, for example, that the operations of locating and picking up loads are longer and more laborious. AND According to some statistics, picking & place affects warehouse operating costs by approximately 55%..

Movement activities can also be slowed down by an unrational use of vehicles, resulting in queues, bottlenecks or assignment errors in the execution of missions.

All inefficiencies that should absolutely not be taken lightly as they have a truly significant weight in the overall management of the warehouse.
More advanced logistics management models, represented by modern warehouses 4.0, therefore have the potential to significantly reduce errors in industrial processes and, consequently, also the resulting costs.

Logistics 4.0 and warehouses 4.0 – Our solutions.

Optimizing the place where goods are stored and preserved allows speed of deliveries, higher level of service to the end customer and significant savings in terms of time and money.

This is the reason behind the large number of transformations that, over the last few years, have been conceived, designed and applied to warehouse logistics.
Setting foot in a warehouse 4.0 it will first be necessary to imagine mobile robot autonomous vehicles capable of scanning and having a global vision of their areas of action.

Thanks to a system of sensors for the detection and recognition of spaces and shelves, the robotic machines that make up the automated line are able to recognize the spaces available to them and react accordingly.

From this perspective we can only talk about Cobots, collaborative robots capable of working alongside humans even in narrow or complex spaces, such as warehouses.
There collaborative robotics it is also the fulcrum of the technological research of TOD System which, since 2019, has been studying customized robotic solutions capable of simplifying business or industrial processes while maximizing their results.

The fruit of this research is the todrobot TR1, a mobile robot – developed starting from the combination of the best products available on the market – capable of automating logistics and intralogistics processes, allowing agility and efficiency in logistics operations picking and placing thanks to an innovative mechanical arm, an excellent load capacity (up to 250kg) and a small footprint.

Thanks to patented 3D viewer and to theAI On Board, of which todrobot TR1 is equipped, our mobot/Cobot is able to detect the position of the targets and provide their spatial coordinates, verifying the ability to reach these positions and providing spatial indications on the path to follow.
Inserting robots into the warehouse, however, does not mean replacing human capital, rather building a mixed system capable of optimizing production processes.

Warehouse automation software and human capital.

The full transition inevitably involves not only the acquisition of latest generation hardware tools but also the careful and personalized design of management software and, nevertheless, the training of human capital.

In the organization of the different production phases, the use of software 4.0 for warehouse management. These are systems capable of managing activities such as: receiving goods; mapping and storage; picking; shipping and internal handling.
Your company can rely on this too TOD System.

Thanks to our experience from System Integrator, we can provide you with these tools, helping you to perfectly connect the machines that make up your automated line to each other and, in turn, to the human operators. We know how to design these software, ensuring maximum customization solutions based on the needs of your business.

We can also follow you in every step of planning the transition, also providing the 4.0 staff training, so that it is able to interact perfectly with the new warehouse 4.0 tools.

Watch out for the tax breaks of the Transition 4.0 plan. 

24 billion Euros: this is approximately the amount allocated for the new measure of the Transition Plan 4.0, aimed at stimulating investments by businesses with a view to innovation and modernization.

These are benefits through which it will be possible to reimburse a quota up to 40% of the investment for purchased tangible assets and up to 70% for intangible assets, which also includes training.

An opportunity to be held in the highest regard and towards which the only obstacle currently is time.

Who can therefore take advantage of the benefits of the Transition 4.0 plan?

"All businesses residents in the territory of the State, including permanent organizations of non-resident subjects, regardless of the legal form, the economic sector to which they belong, the size and the tax regime for determining the income, which make investments in new capital goods intended for production facilities located in the territory of the State, starting from 16 November 2020 and until 31 December 2022

[Find out more about the incentives of the Transition 4.0 plan]

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