Training 4.0: increased MISE tax credit for SMEs

Business processes evolve, technology makes giant strides and the most attentive companies seize the opportunities offered by the digital revolution to optimize and make their business more efficient.

Artificial Intelligence, Collaborative Robotics, Systems Integration, Data Analysis.
These are just some of the elements which, to provide concrete examples, have defined the paradigm of logistics 4.0, producing as an effect the birth of warehouses 4.0, capable of guaranteeing advantages to businesses in terms of speed, cost reduction and optimization of results.

However, the digital transition of a company inevitably passes through Staff training 4.0 so that it is put in a position to interact perfectly with the new tools hardware and software 4.0.

The inclusion of robots in the automated production lines of companies does not exclude the fundamental contribution of human capital and, indeed, tends to support and enhance it, especially when the work of employees is supported by Cobots as ours todrobot TR1.

Precisely for this reason it is essential that staff are trained and followed, step by step, by professional figures who provide all the tools for what we could define as the "digital evolution" of human capital.

There are many aspects to take into consideration. Below we will try to illustrate the main ones but we remind you that, to untangle the problem, you can rely on us.

Our highly qualified team is in fact able to ensure complete training by constantly following our customers, guaranteeing constant presence and updates, to never leave them alone.

An obligatory choice for the digital transformation of your business which certainly has a cost, but which is also supported by contributions from the Transition Plan 4.0, to which we will dedicate the last chapter of this article.

The aspects of Training 4.0:

1) IoT – Internet of things

First used by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the term IoT (Internet of Things) refers to a set of real objects and technologies, enhanced thanks to the connection to the Internet.

Thanks to the IoT, the path of digitalization and process automation, as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence, open up new scenarios for the creation of innovative business models.

From artificial intelligence to blockchain technologies, technological paradigms are also closely linked to the transformation of markets towards an increasingly digital way of understanding processes.

Finally, IoT technologies make it possible to collect and manage data and information from different sources (industrial products, plants, vehicles), from which new opportunities arise and smart services for customers and consumers.

2) Human machine interface

Among the most current paradigms of industrial automation we find the human-machine interface (HMI). For several years now, production line operators have been using devices or software applications that allow them to operate and interact with the machines.

With the advent ofindustry 4.0, the level of interaction then became even more complex and full of potential.

In fact, new scenarios have become possible with the introduction and use of technologies such as cloud computing, cognitive computing and the Internet of Things.

The major contribution of these technologies, in human-machine interaction, lies in theaccessibility and in the data management and tools needed to control production processes.

3) Advanced and Collaborative Robotics

There advanced and collaborative robotics concerns all technological solutions that involve the use of interconnected collaborative robots.

Thanks to continuous studies on robotics, robots capable of intervening on production lines have been designed and patented alleviate the tasks performed, reduce the working hours and execution times of the operators.

Among these precisely the todrobot TR1 home TOD System, which we invite you to get to know better. Already in 2020, almost two million robots were used in factories around the world. The fourth industrial revolution is underway and Italian industry shows continuous and accelerated growth.

The robots will therefore probably take on a increasingly central role. They will be able to think for themselves and reprogram themselves based on production needs, leaving operators the possibility to focus on the monitoring, analysis and programming of production processes.

4) Adaptive Manufacturing

There additive manufacturing, also called additive manufacturing, indicates the advanced process used to create a 3D object.

The latter, to date, is the most disruptive technology in the field ofIndustry 4.0, capable of overturning traditional production paradigms.

This revolution in fact requires additive manufacturing, therefore a multiplicity of technologies and processes capable of creating, starting from a virtual 3D model, a real "print", layer after layer, with the use of other Industry 4.0 technologies, such as Smart Manufacturing and IOT.

5) VR and RA visualization systems

Augmented reality and virtual reality they are expanding technologies, but they tend to be confused with each other and the areas of application or their functionality are not always clear.

These technologies support us in the process continuous recognition and collection of data, amplifying man's senses and creating fictitious worlds capable of facilitating and innovating the interaction between man and the context that surrounds him.

However, even if attention towards these technologies is growing, the same does not happen for the know-how linked to the diffusion of these two new ways of "altering" physical reality as we perceive it on a daily basis.

6) Big Data and Data Analysis

THE Big Data they represent a strategic information resource for every company, capable of implementing decisions data driven (data-driven) and optimize business performance.

An analytical reading of the data can in fact represent a fundamental tool for the definition of new ones sales strategies.

Extracting, analyzing and using big data therefore becomes a real competitive advantage. This is precisely why it is necessary to learn specific skills to draw on the huge amount of data disseminated in every online activity and in the use of every technology.

For example, you need to know and know how to use the CRM (customer relationship management), which allows a company to always be in contact with its customers, through automated and personalized procedures aimed at their loyalty.

In fact, CRM performs a different tasks, including the automation of business processes, the collection and analysis of customer data, communication between team members and externally.

7) Cybersecurity

More than 50% organizations in the world, as demonstrated by some official reports, have undergone, to date, a cyber attack, causing economic losses and theft of sensitive information.

The risks of these activities also include extortion of money, up to and including "multiple targets", i.e. attacks by the same hacker against numerous objectives of a different nature.

Cyber security therefore represents one primary necessity for the company.
Investing in cybersecurity and choosing the most advanced technologies is not enough if you do not have the appropriate skills to manage them.

Incentives for Training 4.0

The process of technological and digital transformation of companies is also supported by MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development), which has included Training 4.0 in the investments for which it is possible to take advantage of the tax credit, foreseen by National Transition Plan 4.0.

The objective is to encourage the creation or consolidation of skills in the enabling technologies necessary to achieve the 4.0 paradigm

There is therefore only time blowing in the opposite direction, as it will be possible for companies to take advantage of the expected advantages by December 31, 2022.

In detail, the tax credit is recognized in the following measures:

  • 70% of eligible expenses, within the maximum annual limit of 300 thousand euros, for small businesses, provided that the training activities are provided by the subjects identified by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, soon to be issued, and that the results relating to the acquisition or consolidation of the aforementioned skills are certified according to the methods established with the same ministerial decree; 
  • 50% of eligible expenses, within the maximum annual limit of 250 thousand euros, for medium-sized enterprises, provided that the training activities are provided by the subjects identified by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, soon to be issued, and that the results relating to the acquisition or consolidation of the aforementioned skills are certified according to the methods established with the same ministerial decree;
  • 30% of eligible expenses for big business, within the maximum annual limit of 250 thousand euros.

Finally, the following expenses are eligible for the tax credit:

  • personnel costs relating to trainers for hours of participation in training;
  • operating costs relating to trainers and training participants directly related to the training project, such as travel expenses, materials and supplies directly relevant to the project, depreciation of tools and equipment for the amount relating to their use exclusive for the training project. Accommodation costs are excluded, except for the minimum necessary accommodation costs for participants who are workers with disabilities;
  • costs of consultancy services connected to the training project;
  • personnel costs relating to the training participants and indirect general costs (administrative costs, rent, overheads) for the hours during which the participants followed the training.

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